Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
How does Yarburgh Community Pre-school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have Special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)?
At Yarburgh Community Preschool (YCP) children’s welfare and development is paramount and we recognise that all children are individuals. Through observing, assessing and planning, for all children, our staff are experienced at recognising and supporting children with special educational needs. If you have any concerns about your child you can speak to our manager or Inclusion/Special needs coordinator (Inco/Senco) for advice in confidence.
How will Yarburgh Community Preschool staff support my child?
Every child is allocated a key-worker who will oversee their welfare and development. The key-worker will plan next steps to further their progress and complete progress checks. You will be given the opportunity to have input into these next steps. If necessary, an individual plan based on your child’s interests and areas of need will be prepared in discussion with you and the Inco/Senco. This will be reviewed regularly. If further support is needed, we will contact West Sussex Inclusion team, specialists who will advise on suitable strategies to support your child. You will be fully involved in this process.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
Every child at YCP will have an online Learning Journal containing observations and photographs recording their interests and achievements. This will be used to regularly assess your child’s progress and prepare next steps for their development based on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. You will have access to your child’s online learning journal and the opportunity to add to it.
How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
We hold termly consultation sessions for parents to discuss their child’s progress with their key-worker. In addition, you are welcome to discuss your child at anytime that staff are available or by prior arrangement with the manager, key-worker or IncoSenco when a more detailed and confidential discussion is required.
A home/preschool contact book will be set up if required.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
At YCP we pride ourselves in supporting all children to develop good social interactions and independence.
In accordance with the strategies in our Behaviour management policy we promote positive behaviour and our staff are trained to support this. We recognise that children may exhibit challenging behaviour and we will work with you and your child, in a consistent way, if this occurs, to improve behavioural issues.
If your child requires regular medication staff can administer this with your written permission and specific training if necessary.
We are able to undertake personal care such as nappy changing.
We can accommodate special dietary needs and have experience of wheat and dairy intolerances and Coeliacs.
All our staff have up to date Paediatric First Aid training.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Yarburgh Community Preschool?
Although there are no specialists directly employed at YCP we have established links with a range of specialist organisations. All staff have experience of working with outside specialist agencies which include health visitors, Speech and language therapists, sensory support team. Educational psychologists, Occupational therapists and family support agencies such as Portage and Family outreach.
We also apply for and provide reports for the Early Years Planning and Review process which works towards Education and Health Care Plans for children with Special Educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
What training are the staff supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities, had or are having?
Our staff members all have, or are working towards, a Level 2 or 3 child care qualification which includes modules on SEND. In addition, staff have attended training in Autistic Spectrum disorder, speech, language and communication workshops, sign language training, visual displays, promoting positive behaviour, the Solihull approach, regular Inco/Senco training and network meetings and caring for a child with a gastrostomy training. We have had experience in applying this training to support children in our setting.
How will my child be included in activities outside Yarburgh Community Preschool including trips?
We have group summer outings and all children are invited to attend. We have regular visits to the local care home. In addition, we have occasional in session walks. A risk assessment is carried out prior to all trips.
How accessible is the Yarburgh Community Preschool environment? (indoors and outdoors)
YCP is a purpose-built preschool on one level with access at ground level including access to a large level garden with grassed, concrete and wet pour areas. It has a large back gate and front door for wheel chair access and there is a disabled toilet facility.
We use a visual timetable to help children with the routine, pictures and words for recognition of resources and picture cues (pecs) as advised by speech and language therapists to support children with communication delay and those with English as an additional language. We can communicate with parents whose first language is not English by requesting an interpreter from West Sussex County Council.
How will Yarburgh Community Preschool prepare and support my child to join the preschool or transfer to a new setting or school?
YCP has welcome visits for children and their parents prior to starting and a new parent’s information meeting at the start of the autumn term, where the key-workers are introduced. We provide a staggered intake in the first few weeks and assess the transition, making adjustments if needed, taking into account the needs of the individual child and their parents.
To prepare for the transition to school we hold smaller sessions for the older children starting school the following academic year. A short report on each child outlining their interests and needs are passed to the appropriate schools. We also attend a transition event set up by West Sussex where we speak to the Early Years teachers. The SENCO and key worker, by arrangement with the relevant school, can set up a transition meeting to support children and their parents with the transition.
How are Yarburgh Community Preschool’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
We are a registered charity with limited funds; however, we are able to apply for funding from West Sussex County Council Inclusion Team to enable us to further support a child. This could be to increase the staff ratio when a child needs additional support or buy appropriate resources. We can also access DAF funding for additional resources.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
This decision is made initially by the preschool manager, the SENCO and your child’s key-worker in consultation with you. The West Sussex Inclusion team are usually involved at this stage and will provide support to prepare strategies for an Individual plan for your child. This plan will determine the type of support and how often this will be required to impact your child’s development and will be reviewed regularly.
How are parents involved at Yarburgh Community Preschool? How can I be involved?
We are a community preschool and are run by a committee of parents. All parents/carers are welcome to become involved in helping to run the group or to be involved in fund raising. You would also be welcome as a volunteer parent helper, on an occasional basis, to stay and play with the children or help with walks during a session that your child attends. In addition, we send regular newsletters to parents and have a parent notice board so you are kept fully informed of all events and activities.
Who can I contact for further information?
You are welcome to discuss your child prior to starting with either the Manager or Inclusion/ Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.
Please contact us by email on manager@yarburghpreschool.com or telephone 01342 300767.
To register your child at our preschool you need to contact our manager on the above email address or telephone number.
Further information about Yarburgh Community Preschool is available in our policies which are available in the setting for parents to read or on our website.