To apply for a place please complete our application form and return to the Manager (scan and email to or post to our address).
Application Form and Terms & Conditions
Your child will be put on the application list and you will be contacted during the term before your child is due to start preschool to tell you whether a place is available. If we can offer you a place, you will be contacted by our admin assistant, who will answer any questions you may have and arrange for you to visit the preschool with your child.
If you already have a child at Yarburgh and wish a younger child to attend, please complete an application form to put them on the application list, as siblings do not automatically get a place.
Thank you to all staff for providing a safe, fun and welcoming environment for all my children to learn in. They all have fond memories of their time at Yarburgh.
Our Vision: To provide a fun, nurturing and stimulating environment where all children flourish and reach their full potential.
Aims: The aim of our preschool is to provide a safe, secure, stimulating and fun environment for young children to learn through play. A secondary aim is to provide support and friendship to families within the group.
Organisation: we are open for five morning sessions and five afternoon sessions per week, split into the usual three school terms. We can take a maximum of 24 children per session. ‘Stepping Stones’ sessions are held on Wednesday afternoons for our rising 4 year olds preparing for primary school. These are much smaller and more structured sessions.
Management: We are a community preschool run by a committee of parents and we rely on the support of our families to ensure the smooth running of the preschool. We are always looking for support from parents and carers to join the committee or assist with fundraising events. We encourage parents and carers to join their children in sessions on a periodic basis to see their learning through play and their development, perhaps also reading to their child or to a group. We are also interested in hearing from any parents or carers who have something they might like to talk to the children about or demonstrate, such as an interesting job, hobby or experience
Fundraising: To ensure fees are kept as low as possible whilst also still being able to provide toys and equipment for the children and constantly maintain and enhance our setting, we need to fundraise and rely on all our families to support us. Any help is very gratefully received, whether it is making a few cakes, helping with a raffle or attending fundraising events. Once your child is settled, you may even consider becoming part of the organising committee – you will be made very welcome.
Early Years Alliance and Registration: We are a member of the alliance which is an important source of ideas, advice and support for the group and we seek to run the preschool in accordance with the good practice guidelines issues by the alliance. We are also registered with county council social care and health who carry out visits and inspections as well as Ofsted as an early years provider.
Fees: As our preschool is a registered charity, fees are kept as low as possible at £7.50 per hour for 2 year olds and £7 per hour for 3-4 year olds. Fees are payable half-termly in advance or weekly by special arrangement. Fees are non-returnable and four week’s notice must be given when removing a child from preschool.
We are registered with the local authority as a provider for free places for three-year-olds and eligible two-year-olds. This usually starts in the term after your child’s third birthday (second birthday for eligible children from families receiving some forms of support) and covers up to 15 hours (available for all families) or up to 30 hours (available for working families) – details available at
Policies: All our preschool policies are based on guidance from the Early Years Alliance and are available on our web site. We ask that you review these policies to ensure you are happy with the preschool setting, our policies and procedures. We ask you to sign that you agree to our terms and conditions and our policies on the registration form which is completed when your child starts at Yarburgh.
How to apply for a place: Please complete the attached application form and return it as soon as possible together with a £20 administration fee (payable by bank transfer) to our address. Your child will be put on our waiting list and your will be contacted in the term before your child is due to start preschool to tell you whether a place is available.
If may be as well to put your child’s name down for two preschools to avoid disappointment. Occasionally we may have a place available immediately. If you don’t mind which day, it may be worth a call or email to find out.
If we can offer you a place, our manager will be in touch, will answer any questions you may have and arrange for you to visit the preschool with your child.